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Panel to Discuss Substance Use and Healthy Choices

Panel to Discuss Substance Use and Healthy Choices
Posted on 08/16/2023

Substance abuse and addiction can impact any family and community. It's time to confront these challenges head-on by seeking answers and support from local experts.

Join us for a Panel Discussion about Substance Abuse and Healthy Choices

When: August 29, 6-7:30 p.m.

Where: South Middle School Cafeteria

Cost: Free

Healthy living goes beyond avoiding drugs and other harmful substances. It encompasses mental health, overall well-being, and dedication to leading a fulfilling life. Through this event, we aim to inspire our community members - from students to parents and everyone in between - to embrace healthier choices and seek help whenever necessary.

Substance abuse and addiction can impact any family and community. It's time to confront these challenges head-on by seeking answers and support from local experts. The panel discussion on August 29 will bring together insightful representatives from various backgrounds, including CKF Addiction Treatment, Salina Police Department, Saint Francis Ministries, Tammy Walker Cancer Center, and Salina Public Schools, who are all ready to share their experiences and knowledge in an open forum.

Parents, guardians, students and community members are all encouraged to attend, join the conversation, and ask their questions. Join us in our quest to tackle substance abuse and create a healthier community.

panel discussion graphic

Remember that the South Middle School Cafeteria is the venue for this free event on August 29, from 6-7:30 p.m. For more information or to get in touch, please contact Jody at [email protected].