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April 9 2024

April 9, 2024
Posted on 04/10/2024
boe briefs april 9 24 image


April 9, 2024

Salina Education Foundation LIFT and Grants Presentations

Kate Lindsay, executive director of the Salina Education Foundation, presented the recipients of the 2024 Loan Initiative for Future Teachers (LIFT) program; Grace Allen, Chloe Highsmith, Kolbe Shafer, Emily Streeter, Jessica Toman and Alexia Walsh.

21st Century Advantage grants were awarded to Elizabeth Burke (2 grants), Melinda Eitel, Jamie Hoff, Shannon Jones, Shelly Parks, Carrie Pierce, Lindsay Radiel, Guillermo Rodriguez, Sarah Shelby, Brian Bell, Mei Kirchhoff and Brenda Stanton.

Outside the Box grants were awarded to Scott Chrisman, Dustin Dooley, Jenna Eshleman, Katie Lidgett and Stephanie Turowski.

Joan Barhydt Special Education grants were awarded to Kendra Baumberger, Brooklyn Bradley, Kim Fulkerson and Kayla Reid.

The Salina Education Foundation’s allocations committee also committed $7,000 to be available for Sudden Opportunity Grants for the 2024-2025 school year.


You Make A Difference

Staff members are nominated by colleagues to receive a You Make a Difference Award for their support of students and the mission of Salina Public Schools. Board of Education members surprise recipients during their workday with a lapel pin and a handwritten note. 

Cody Burnett, Grounds Maintenance
Operations Center
After a student’s car was caught in a snowdrift near Salina Stadium, Cody worked with Doug Stein to plow the snow from McAdams Street. While Cody regularly addresses school grounds needs, he went beyond his duties to ensure there was a safe way to get to school. Thank you, Cody, for making a difference!

Jan Henry, Paraprofessional
Schilling Elementary School
Jan is constantly working behind the scenes to support Schilling students and staff. During her time outside of work she helps with the PTO, Bingo Night and the Schilling Rummage Sale. Her support in and out of the classroom is much appreciated. Thank you, Jan, for making a difference!

Julie Falcon, Principal
Salina Virtual Innovation Academy
Julie has been the driving force in tailoring our virtual school to serve students in grades 6 through 12. Her leadership provided continuity and helped the school navigate program transitions. Her commitment and innovative approaches continue to elevate the virtual school services. Thank you, Julie, for making a difference!


Superintendent’s Excellence Awards

Robotics / Central High: Kegan Madison, Shya Helzer, Madalynn Mendenhall,  Kaitlyn Martin, Isaac Hamilton, Rorik Crepps, Jacob Murphy, Gabriel Johns, Ethan Johns, Colton Helzer, Aaron Prough, Aydan Maholland, Mitchell Haskett, Chris Mendenhall, Alberto Ramos, Eva Arb. Sheila Alstatt is the coach.

Robotics / South High: Sarah Thongphetmanichanh. Sheila Alstatt is the coach. 


Visible Learning Update

Kyle Griffitts, principal, and Kristen Pitko, fourth grade teacher, reported on visible learning at Cottonwood Elementary School. 


Personnel Report and Consent Agenda


Action Agenda

Nonresident School Capacity Recommendation

The board approved the projected enrollment and number of open seats available to nonresident students effective the 2024-2025 school year.

 2024-2025 Chromebook Handbook

The board approved the Chromebook Handbook for the 2024-2025 school year.

 Resolution of the Board of Education’s Intent to Non-Renew Contracts for Probationary Teachers for 2024-2025

The board adopted the resolution calling for the non-renewal for probationary teachers for 2024-2025. 


Discussion Agenda

2024-2025 Handbooks:

The board approved the proposed changes to the elementary school, middle school, and high school handbooks for the 2024-2025 school year.

 2024-2025 Textbooks:

Krista Linenberger, director of elementary programs, presented the recommendations for elementary textbooks for Math and Music. Curtis Stevens, director of secondary programs, presented the recommendations for the following: 21st Century Journalism, AV Productions Fundamentals, Computer Applications 1 and 2, Graphic Design 2D and Digital, Web Page Design, AP Literature, Parenting and Family Studies, Introduction to Human Services, AP Calculus, Health (high and middle schools), Physics, AP American History, AP Government and Politics, AP World History and Social Studies (grades six through eight).


School Board Reports 

  • Ann Zimmerman, board member, attended the Parks and Recreation Advisory Board meeting, the Salina at the Statehouse with the Salina Area Chamber of Commerce, the Kansas Association of School Boards (KASB) boardsmanship training, the Central High and South High plays and the District Health Council. She delivered a You Make a Difference award at Schilling Elementary School.
  • Dana Kossow, board member, attended the KASB boardsmanship training.
  • Bonnie Schamberger, board member, delivered a You Make a Difference award at the Operations Center and attended the Parks and Recreation Advisory Board meeting.
  • Gabe Grant, vice president, attended the Central Kansas Cooperative in Education Board of Control meeting.
  • Scott Gardner, board member, attended the Heartland Policy Council, the KASB boardsmanship training and delivered a You Make a Difference award at the Salina Virtual Innovation Academy.
  • Paul Gebhardt, board member, attended the Smoky Hill Education Service Center Executive Cabinet meeting, the KASB boardsmanship training and the academic awards ceremony at South High School.
  • Jim Fletcher, president, attended the KASB boardsmanship training and the Salina Area Chamber of Commerce Board meeting.


Upcoming Dates of Importance

  • Wednesday, April 10, BOE Building Visit, 10:00-11:30 a.m., Stewart
  • Sunday, May 5, Retirement Recognition, Lakewood, 3:00 p.m.
  • Sunday, May 19, Graduations, Tony’s Pizza Events Center 
    • Central High School – 2:00 p.m. 
    • South High School – 5:00 p.m.
  • Thursday, June 20, SAEC Graduation, Lakewood, 7:00 p.m.


Superintendent’s Report

Linn Exline, superintendent of schools, spoke to the board about the district’s work on chronic absenteeism. She reported that absenteeism data is tracked weekly and that schools have teams who work with families. Ten schools’ absenteeism rates are improved from last year and that the overall district absenteeism rate has declined by two percent. Superintendent Exline attended the KASB Women’s Leadership Conference and the superintendent’s advisory council to Dr. Randy Watson, Kansas Commissioner of Education. She reported that she advocated with state representatives for opposition to House Sub Bill for Senate Bill 387. Superintendent Exline shared about bringing the SPS Chats to Oakdale Elementary where she met with students and heard that the best things about their school are its teachers and staff. She will be hosting a community Coffee Chat on April 15 at 2:00 p.m. in the district office